Axum Cafe SF | San Francisco, San Francisco County, California Axum Cafe SF | San Francisco, San Francisco County, California Axum Cafe SF | San Francisco, San Francisco County, California Axum Cafe SF | San Francisco, San Francisco County, California Axum Cafe SF | San Francisco, San Francisco County, California
Axum Cafe SF | San Francisco, San Francisco County, California


Axum Cafe SF

698 Haight St ste 49, San Francisco, CA 94117, USA Get Directions

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About Axum Cafe SF

Axum Cafe started out as a coffee and tea shop with a small breakfast menu. One day in the mid-1990s, Aberash, one of the owner couples, casually shared her lunch of Injera*, Lentils, and some Chicken with a group of regular customers.

Those customers liked the food very much, and in the subsequent months, she would bring them similar food from her home and they kept encouraging her to make more of it and put it on the menu for others too. Slowly, the word got out and Axum Cafe officially became a restaurant.

Following very positive reviews and several “best of the bay” votes in the mid-late 1990s, we made several renovations looking for ways to better serve our customers. For over twenty years, we have been striving to fulfill our customers’ expectations, and with their support and commitment, we believe that we are doing okay.

* A grain based thin, fluffy, and spongy pancake (as one cool soul described it).

restaurant & Bar
Wine & Brewery
Soft Drinks

Trending Deals By

Axum Cafe SF

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30% Off Towards Food and Drinks for Six. $104 $73 30% off
25% Off Towards Food and Drinks for Four. $72 $54 25% off

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20% Off Towards Food and Drinks for Two. $36 $29 20% off

About Axum Cafe SF

Axum Cafe started out as a coffee and tea shop with a small breakfast menu. One day in the mid-1990s, Aberash, one of the owner couples, casually shared her lunch of Injera*, Lentils, and some Chicken with a group of regular customers.

Those customers liked the food very much, and in the subsequent months, she would bring them similar food from her home and they kept encouraging her to make more of it and put it on the menu for others too. Slowly, the word got out and Axum Cafe officially became a restaurant.

Following very positive reviews and several “best of the bay” votes in the mid-late 1990s, we made several renovations looking for ways to better serve our customers. For over twenty years, we have been striving to fulfill our customers’ expectations, and with their support and commitment, we believe that we are doing okay.

* A grain based thin, fluffy, and spongy pancake (as one cool soul described it).

restaurant & Bar
Wine & Brewery
Soft Drinks

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